Title of the document همانا خدا و فرشتگانش بر پیامبر درود و رحمت می فرستند. ای اهل ایمان! بر او درود فرستید و آن گونه که شایسته است، تسلیم او باشید.

ACIC is an Islamic center that is designed to serve as a focus for Muslim heritage and identity in greater San Diego, California in the United States of America.

ACIC will focus on Islamic heritage by encouraging balanced social integration, peaceful coexistence and promoting community development. These elements constitute a significant challenge to Muslims in the West, particularly in the USA, and it is the aim of the ACIC to help Afghan and other Muslims in the greater San Diego area rise to this challenge.

In addition, the center will provide an interface for San Diego-based organizations & individuals with which to understand Islam and Muslims, in order to promote integration and harmonious relations with Muslim and Muslim society at large